Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Oolong Tea

After much taste-testing, I have discovered that I really like Oolong Tea. And no, not just because the name is fun to say--Oooooolong--but because the taste is smooth and as close to my normal tea as I can get.

My normal tea is Lipton. Regular, plain old tea. Nothing fancy, nothing flavored, just tea. The tea you get in many restaurants (well, maybe not Lipton, but Orange Pekoe/Pekoe Cut black tea.)

I've tried just plain Ceylon, I've tried Darjeeling, and just about everything else, but Oolong is my favorite so far in plain teas. Which is nice, because I ordered a bigger tin of it from Adagio.

I also ordered tea from Teavana, and both boxes arrived on the same day! Wow.


Grey said...

I just learned an interesting thing from the tea shop lady I met the other day.

Unlike black teas, you can use the same Oolong (and green tea) leaves to brew more than one cup of tea.

You go by taste, but if it's good tea, you can get as many as four cups from the same leaves.

Jennifer said...

I'll have to try that! This seems to be pretty good tea, really. At least as far as I know. :)